Aamir Liaquat Insulted Tahir Shah Eye to Eye Singer

Ramadan Transmissions fever is the new trend in town. And yes! Aamir Liaquat – the trend setter of turning religious show into a commercial one- is on the top with his Ramadan transmission. Mobile phones, Car and many other gift hampers is what this Ramadan host has to offer to general public. But wait, not just that the special segments and list of guests which are called on the show are also a treat for its viewers. Although the essence of Ramadan and the respect of the holy month is being disgraced on such shows in my point of view but we Pakistanis are always attracted towards MASALA FEATURES you know.

And today our Charismatic and Over-Rated Ramadan show host has done it once again. Aamir Liaquat once again won the heart of millions by calling our very own latest sensation Taher Shah not just on the show, but treating this not so young man like a KID. And why I said like a kid? well for that you have to check this video which has already been made viral all over the social media.

Taher Shah, who was invited by Dr Aamir as an honorable guest didn’t turn out so well for the star as he was literally disgraced and also was a subject of fun for Liaquat Sahab. Although the EYE TO EYE artist has already been victimized by various social media activists but this has been for the very first time that he was called on a show live and was maltreated like an amateur kid.

I don’t care what Taher Shah has done all I have to say is a Ramadan show which represents Islam and the holy month of Ramadan should have a base of its own Instead of calling religious scholars or even social workers presence of such artists is irrelevant and maltreating. Doing it just for the sake of TRP is just like a cherry on the cake for them, but for us its a complete dissappointment.

                                Aamir Liaquat Hussain Insulted Tahir Shah


Taher Shah was also disgusted by the treatment and shared his feelings via his facebook account, see below what he has to say:


If rumors are to be believed then the singer was only invited to give a boost to the ratings of the show as Amaan Ramazan is already soaring the TRP trends and to give it a further boost. The whole insult part is heard to have been preplanned; however, the singer didn’t know as to what extent it was going.

Rumors are that it was a mutual deal where both the parties benefited as the singer now expects to receive more invites to shows. Don’t be surprised if you see the singer more often now.

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